

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import os
SEED = 20220725

# seed function for reproducibility
def set_seed(seed: int=0):
    os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed)
    torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False


SECTION 1 : 学習用データのロードとセットアップ#


  • penguin-clean-train.csv = 学習用データセット、オリジナルデータから70%使用。

  • penguin-clean-test.csv = テスト用データセット、オリジナルデータから30%抽出

SECTION 1 : Load and setup data for training
the datasets separated in two files from originai datasets:
penguin-clean-train.csv = datasets for training purpose, 70% from the original data
penguin-clean-test.csv = datasets for testing purpose, 30% from the original data

Section 1.1 Data Loading#

データセットは前処理済みのものが既にあるので、これを直接利用する rianrajagede/penguin-python

en2ja = {
    "species": "ペンギンの種類",
    "island": "生息する島",
    "bill_length_mm": "クチバシの長さ",
    "flipper_length_mm": "翼の長さ",
    "body_mass_g": "体重",
    "sex": "性別",
    "year": "調査年",

dataset_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rianrajagede/penguin-python/master/Datasets/penguins-clean-all.csv"
training_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rianrajagede/penguin-python/master/Datasets/penguins-clean-train.csv"
test_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rianrajagede/penguin-python/master/Datasets/penguins-clean-test.csv"
# datatrain = pd.read_csv('../Datasets/penguins-clean-train.csv')
df_train = pd.read_csv(training_url)
(240, 5)
df_train_ja = df_train.copy()
df_train_ja.columns = [en2ja[key] for key in df_train_ja.columns]
ペンギンの種類 クチバシの長さ クチバシの厚み 翼の長さ 体重
0 Gentoo 46.2 14.5 209 4800
1 Gentoo 43.6 13.9 217 4900
2 Gentoo 45.3 13.7 210 4300
3 Gentoo 53.4 15.8 219 5500
4 Adelie 40.6 18.8 193 3800
... ... ... ... ... ...
235 Gentoo 46.8 15.4 215 5150
236 Gentoo 46.6 14.2 210 4850
237 Gentoo 43.5 14.2 220 4700
238 Gentoo 46.9 14.6 222 4875
239 Chinstrap 50.7 19.7 203 4050

240 rows × 5 columns

#Section 1.2 Preprocessing

#change string value to numeric
df_train.loc[df_train['species']=='Adelie', 'species']=0
df_train.loc[df_train['species']=='Gentoo', 'species']=1
df_train.loc[df_train['species']=='Chinstrap', 'species']=2
df_train = df_train.apply(pd.to_numeric)

#change dataframe to array
df_array = df_train.values

#split x and y (feature and target)
X_train = df_array[:,1:]
y_train = df_array[:,0]

#palmer-penguin dataset has varying scales
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)

SECTION 2 : モデルの構築と学習#

  • 隠れ層を1層持つ、多層パーセプトロンモデル。

  • 入力層:4ニューロン、Palmer Penguinデータセットからの特徴を表す。

  • 隠れ層:20ニューロン、ReLUで活性化

  • 出力層:3ニューロン、種の数を表す、Softmax Layer

  • 最適化器 = 確率的勾配降下法、バッチサイズなし

  • 損失関数 = カテゴリクロスエントロピー

  • 学習率 = 0.01

  • エポック = 50

SECTION 2 : Build and Train Model
Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer.
input layer : 4 neuron, represents the feature from Palmer Penguin dataset
hidden layer : 20 neuron, activation using ReLU output layer : 3 neuron, represents the number of species, Softmax Layer optimizer = stochastic gradient descent with no batch-size
loss function = categorical cross entropy
learning rate = 0.01 #hyperparameters hl = 20 lr = 0.01 num_epoch = 100

epoch = 50

hl = 20
lr = 0.01
num_epoch = 100


mynet = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(4, 20,),
    nn.Linear(20, 3),
#build model
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4, hl)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hl, 3)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)
        return x

net = Net()
#choose optimizer and loss function
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr)

X_train = torch.from_numpy(X_train).float()
y_train = torch.from_numpy(y_train).long()
print("training data:",type(X_train), X_train.shape, X_train.dtype)
print("test data:", type(y_train), y_train.shape, y_train.dtype)
training data: <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([240, 4]) torch.float32
test data: <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([240]) torch.int64


# logging
logs = {"loss":[], "acc":[]}

if torch.cuda.is_available():
  net = net.to("cuda:0")
  X_train = X_train.to("cuda:0")
  y_train = y_train.to("cuda:0")

for epoch in range(num_epoch):

    #feedforward - backprop
    # 勾配の初期化
    # フォワードプロップ。順伝搬
    out = net(X_train)
    # 損失関数の計算
    loss = criterion(out, y_train)
    # 逆伝搬して、各パラメータの勾配を求める
    # 勾配を使って学習可能パラメータの値を更新

    with torch.no_grad():
        acc = 100 * torch.sum(y_train==torch.max(out.data, 1)[1]).double() / len(y_train)
    print ('Epoch [%d/%d] Loss: %.4f   Acc: %.4f'
                   %(epoch+1, num_epoch, loss.item(), acc.item()))

    # logging
    logs["loss"] += [loss.cpu().detach().item()]
    logs["acc"]  += [acc.cpu().detach().item()]
Epoch [1/100] Loss: 1.1014   Acc: 42.9167
Epoch [2/100] Loss: 1.0938   Acc: 44.1667
Epoch [3/100] Loss: 1.0864   Acc: 46.2500
Epoch [4/100] Loss: 1.0790   Acc: 49.1667
Epoch [5/100] Loss: 1.0718   Acc: 51.6667
Epoch [6/100] Loss: 1.0646   Acc: 52.5000
Epoch [7/100] Loss: 1.0575   Acc: 55.4167
Epoch [8/100] Loss: 1.0505   Acc: 55.4167
Epoch [9/100] Loss: 1.0436   Acc: 59.1667
Epoch [10/100] Loss: 1.0367   Acc: 60.4167
Epoch [11/100] Loss: 1.0300   Acc: 62.5000
Epoch [12/100] Loss: 1.0233   Acc: 66.2500
Epoch [13/100] Loss: 1.0167   Acc: 67.5000
Epoch [14/100] Loss: 1.0102   Acc: 68.3333
Epoch [15/100] Loss: 1.0037   Acc: 70.4167
Epoch [16/100] Loss: 0.9973   Acc: 71.2500
Epoch [17/100] Loss: 0.9910   Acc: 72.9167
Epoch [18/100] Loss: 0.9848   Acc: 73.7500
Epoch [19/100] Loss: 0.9786   Acc: 74.1667
Epoch [20/100] Loss: 0.9725   Acc: 75.8333
Epoch [21/100] Loss: 0.9664   Acc: 75.8333
Epoch [22/100] Loss: 0.9604   Acc: 76.2500
Epoch [23/100] Loss: 0.9545   Acc: 76.2500
Epoch [24/100] Loss: 0.9486   Acc: 76.2500
Epoch [25/100] Loss: 0.9428   Acc: 77.0833
Epoch [26/100] Loss: 0.9371   Acc: 77.5000
Epoch [27/100] Loss: 0.9314   Acc: 77.9167
Epoch [28/100] Loss: 0.9257   Acc: 77.9167
Epoch [29/100] Loss: 0.9202   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [30/100] Loss: 0.9146   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [31/100] Loss: 0.9092   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [32/100] Loss: 0.9038   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [33/100] Loss: 0.8984   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [34/100] Loss: 0.8931   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [35/100] Loss: 0.8878   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [36/100] Loss: 0.8826   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [37/100] Loss: 0.8775   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [38/100] Loss: 0.8723   Acc: 78.3333
Epoch [39/100] Loss: 0.8673   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [40/100] Loss: 0.8623   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [41/100] Loss: 0.8573   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [42/100] Loss: 0.8524   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [43/100] Loss: 0.8475   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [44/100] Loss: 0.8427   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [45/100] Loss: 0.8379   Acc: 78.7500
Epoch [46/100] Loss: 0.8331   Acc: 79.1667
Epoch [47/100] Loss: 0.8284   Acc: 79.1667
Epoch [48/100] Loss: 0.8238   Acc: 79.1667
Epoch [49/100] Loss: 0.8192   Acc: 79.1667
Epoch [50/100] Loss: 0.8146   Acc: 79.1667
Epoch [51/100] Loss: 0.8101   Acc: 79.5833
Epoch [52/100] Loss: 0.8056   Acc: 79.5833
Epoch [53/100] Loss: 0.8012   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [54/100] Loss: 0.7968   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [55/100] Loss: 0.7924   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [56/100] Loss: 0.7881   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [57/100] Loss: 0.7838   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [58/100] Loss: 0.7795   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [59/100] Loss: 0.7753   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [60/100] Loss: 0.7712   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [61/100] Loss: 0.7670   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [62/100] Loss: 0.7629   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [63/100] Loss: 0.7589   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [64/100] Loss: 0.7548   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [65/100] Loss: 0.7508   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [66/100] Loss: 0.7469   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [67/100] Loss: 0.7430   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [68/100] Loss: 0.7391   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [69/100] Loss: 0.7352   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [70/100] Loss: 0.7314   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [71/100] Loss: 0.7276   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [72/100] Loss: 0.7239   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [73/100] Loss: 0.7202   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [74/100] Loss: 0.7165   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [75/100] Loss: 0.7128   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [76/100] Loss: 0.7092   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [77/100] Loss: 0.7056   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [78/100] Loss: 0.7021   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [79/100] Loss: 0.6985   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [80/100] Loss: 0.6950   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [81/100] Loss: 0.6916   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [82/100] Loss: 0.6882   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [83/100] Loss: 0.6847   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [84/100] Loss: 0.6814   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [85/100] Loss: 0.6780   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [86/100] Loss: 0.6747   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [87/100] Loss: 0.6714   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [88/100] Loss: 0.6682   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [89/100] Loss: 0.6650   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [90/100] Loss: 0.6618   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [91/100] Loss: 0.6586   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [92/100] Loss: 0.6555   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [93/100] Loss: 0.6523   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [94/100] Loss: 0.6493   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [95/100] Loss: 0.6462   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [96/100] Loss: 0.6432   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [97/100] Loss: 0.6402   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [98/100] Loss: 0.6372   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [99/100] Loss: 0.6342   Acc: 80.0000
Epoch [100/100] Loss: 0.6313   Acc: 80.0000


<Axes: >


<Axes: >

SECTION 3 : モデルの評価#

df_test = pd.read_csv(test_url)

#change string value to numeric
df_test.loc[df_test['species']=='Adelie', 'species']=0
df_test.loc[df_test['species']=='Gentoo', 'species']=1
df_test.loc[df_test['species']=='Chinstrap', 'species']=2
df_test = df_test.apply(pd.to_numeric)

#change dataframe to array
df_test_array = df_test.values

#split x and y (feature and target)
X_test = df_test_array[:,1:]
y_test = df_test_array[:,0]

X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

#get prediction
X_test = torch.Tensor(X_test).float()
y_test = torch.Tensor(y_test).long()

# 必要ならばCPUからGPUへ配列を移動
#X_test = X_test.to(X_train.device)
#y_test = y_test.to(y_train.device)

if torch.cuda.is_available():
  X_test = X_test.cuda()
  y_test = y_test.cuda()

out = net.forward(X_test)#.softmax(1)
_, predicted = torch.max(out.data, 1)

#get accuration
print('Accuracy of the network %.4f %%' % (100 * torch.sum(y_test==predicted).double() / len(y_test)))
Accuracy of the network 80.3922 %

[課題1] 入力層の次元数と隠れ層の次元数とクラス数を__init__の引数で変更できるようにNetクラスを修正せよ。#

Hide code cell source
class FixedNet(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, num_features, hidden_size, num_class):
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(num_features, hidden_size)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_class)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)
        return x

num_features = X_train.shape[1]
hidden_size = 100
num_class = 3
fixed_net = FixedNet(num_features,hidden_size, num_class)
  (fc1): Linear(in_features=4, out_features=100, bias=True)
  (fc2): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=3, bias=True)

[課題2] 課題1で作ったクラスを使って,クラス数をそのままに隠れ層の次元数を100にして200エポック訓練せよ.また,その際のtestデータの正答率を示せ.この際、set_seedを使いSEEDを1111に固定する事.#

Hide code cell source
net = FixedNet(num_features,hidden_size, num_class)
#choose optimizer and loss function
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=lr)

# 訓練のコード

# 評価のコード

[課題3] ペンギンデータのクラス分類を行うニューラルネットワークを作れ。ただし、ニューラルネットワークの隠れ層は5層で、それぞれが100次元のネットワークを作成せよ。また、このニューラルネットワークの活性化関数はすべてtanhである。この隠れ層をまとめたsequentialをfeature_extractorという変数にせよ。出力層は3クラス分類を行うために次元数は3にする。#

class TanhNet(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, hidden_size=100, n_class=3):
    self.feature_extractor = nn.Sequential(
          nn.Linear(4, hidden_size), # 1
          nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), # 2
          ... # 3
          ... # 4
          ... # 5
    self.classifier = nn.Linear(hidden_size, n_class)

  def forward(self,x):
    x = self.feature_extractor(x)
    return self.classifier(x)
  Cell In[19], line 9
    ... # 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?
a = TanhNet()
  (feature_extractor): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=4, out_features=100, bias=True)
    (1): Tanh()
    (2): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=100, bias=True)
    (3): Tanh()
  (classifier): Linear(in_features=100, out_features=3, bias=True)

[課題4] 課題3で作ったクラスを使って、200エポック訓練せよ。また、その際のtestデータの正答率を提出せよ。この際、set_seedを使いSEEDを1111に固定する事。#